Hello! I am Eriko, a tutor here◎Do you want to learn German but feel uneasy or uncomfortable? I started studying German because I wanted to study my speciality in Germany, but I found the grammar and pronunciation difficult and I was not very good at it. However, as I began to communicate with people around me in German, I was drawn more and more into the beauty and depth of the German language,
Good day - Bonjour,My name is Aya. I am an English and French teacher based in Canada. I earned a bachelor's degree in special communications. I gathered over 10 years experience. I pilled up thousands of English and French teaching hours. . I’m trained to teach English and French to Adults, young learners, and speakers of other languages. My pedagogical teaching approach is centred on the u
My name is “あおい (Aoi).” I live in Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu. Can you pronounce “Aoi” correctly? It’s not an uncommon name in Japan, but it’s a name that can be difficult to pronounce if you don’t know Japanese. Please feel free to call me by my name for your practice. After doing a language study abroad in the Philippines, I went on to do a work
Hello! My name is Takahito! I love communicating with people and find it rewarding to work in the field of education, where I can help people achieve personal growth. Up until last year, I taught Japanese at a junior high school. From this year, I have been taking a Japanese language teacher training course while working as a Japanese language teacher at a high school. I also teach Japanese to e
Hello! My name is Carolina. Having been interested in learning new languages my entire life I decided it was time for me to give something back, in this case, by teaching others! I love animals and all nature in general. I'm also an avid reader (mainly fantasy), a fan of manga and anime and never say no to a good TV series. I'm TEFL certified and try to teach using my students hobbies and i
Hi, my name is Julia. I am a NATIVE RUSSIAN speaking teacher from Moscow. Just a few words about my background. I graduated from Far Eastern State University in Vladivostok with major in Japanese. I also studied abroad in Kanazawa State University in Japan, I have my certificate of completion of Japanese course as an evidence of that. My first experience was to teach English and Japanese to
From Los Angeles, CaliforniaHolds a Master's degree in TESOLLived in Japan for 7 yearsI begin my teaching career in 2014, and have loved it ever since! I truly enjoy teaching, and enjoy meeting new people in the process.I enjoy learning languages and can speak conversational Japanese, Spanish, and French.I like to create a calm, safe environment when teaching lessons. As a language learner, I know
こんにちは!Hello!日本語&英語でフリートークしましょう。Let's have a small talk in Japanese and English!私は小学生のころ、オーストラリアにいました。I lived in Australia when I was a kid.日本で中学、高校、大学に行き、東京で3年勤務した後、ドイツに移り、航空会社で17年仕事をしました。そしてたくさんの旅行をしました。I graduated from junior high school, high school, and university in Tokyo. After that, I worked at a travel agency in Tokyo for three years.Then I moved to Germany and worked at an airline company
◆인사말 안녕하세요! 제 이름은 Yoko Sato입니다. 와인, 치즈 가게 이자 온라인 코스인 Salon de YOKO를 운영하고 있습니다. 온/오프라인 강의 경력이 풍부한 강사님들과 함께합니다. 와인과 치즈와 같은 전통적인 음식에 대하여 깊이 공부합니다. 배워보시면 정말 신나고 재밌다고 느끼실겁니다.저를 통해 와인과 치즈의 세상에 눈을 뜨고 함께 좋은 시간을 가질수 있다면 좋겠습니다. 함께 공부해 봅시다! 레슨에서 만나뵙길 기대합니다. ◆프로필 2014년에 Salon de YOKO를 오픈 하였습니다. 처음에는 요코하마에서 강사 겸 이벤트, 세미나 주최자로 활동 하였습니다. Salon de YOKO 웹사이트 https://www.salondeyoko.jp/ 2016년에 "Your R
어워드 코멘트 2024년 하반기 카페토크 어워드(가을/겨울) →
Tanya Forbes
Lisa D.
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