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नमस्ते जी ナマステ! 掲題の件ですが、 結論:話せなくても生きてはいけるが、話せた方が世界の解像度が上がる英語だけでも生きていけます、たぶん。でもヒンディー語が話せた方が楽しいし、世界の解...
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Mirch 프로필

Namaste! नमस्ते !

Would you like to learn Hindi, one of the main languages in India?
I'm Mirch and I live in New Delhi teaching Japanese.
Mirch means red pepper. I can offer suggestions to spice up the class and make it exciting.

I graduated from Central India Hindi Language School.
I've had the experience as a Japanese instructor in Delhi for 9 years. I taught Japanese in Hindi to Indian people.

Actually, the grammar of Hindi is almost the same with Japanese.
In English, you replace the object with the verb in the sentence, right?
Japanese: 私は 本を 読みます。(Watashi ha hon wo yomimasu.)
English: I read a book.
However, in Hindi, the order of the words is as it is.

Japanese: 私は  本を   読み   ます。(Watashi ha hon wo yomimasu.)
      ↓    ↓     ↓    ↓
Hindi: メイン キターブ パルター フン。(Mein kitabu paruta phun.)

What do you think? Don't you feel like you can do it?

There are all kinds of reasons to learn but to be able to keep going is the key. I offer lessons based on the students' goals.
(1)You want to learn some basic phrases for travelling when you visit India.
(2)You're going on a business trip to India. You want to be able to communicate with the local staff.
(3)You want to watch Bollywood movies without subtitles.
(4)You want to talk to the staff working at an Indian curry restaurant.
(5)You became a fan of Hindu mythology because of FGO and you want to try learning Hindi.
(6)You're already studying Hindi and you want to brush it up because you don't have the chance to practice in Japan.

Whatever the reason might be, once you start learning Hindi, it'll become really interesting. I teach one-on-one lessons. It is okay to ask the same questions over and over again.

Making mistakes is the students' job. Teaching repeatedly is the teacher's job.

Please feel free to discuss the lesson contents with me.
I'll teach you based on your level and your goal.

चलो सुरु करेंगे ! Let's get started!

———————<NEW! I teach Japanese>———————
Japanese for JLPT(N5~N3)
I use「Minna no Nihongo」or「Shin-Nihongo no Kiso」.
I teach from N5~N3. Let's study JLPT.

<हिंदी → जापानी>
मैं हिंदी से जापानी सिखा सकता हूं।
मैंने दिल्ली में इंडिया लोगों के लिए जापानी सिखाया।9 साल।

【 Cafetalk Translation / August 2020 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn't speak English.

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