집에서 무료로 <개인> 상담 경험해 보는건 어떨까요?
모집 마감
모니터에 당선되시면 스카이프를 사용한 인기 온라인 상담 레슨을 무료로 2회 체험 하실 수 있습니다.
그리고! 레슨 수강후 리뷰를 작성해 주시면 레슨 1회를 선물로 드립니다!
레슨 동영상
feedback 상담
Ian is a wonderful teacher. I was a bit hesitant at first, but he made me feel so comfortable sharing anything with him, even very personal things, as he listens so attentively and gives useful, insightful advices. Talking with him has made me realize many things that I was not aware of. Highly recommend a session with him to anyone.
Thank you SO much for helping my husband! I was very surprised at how much he changed after talking with you, now he wants to sign up for more sessions! I think being able to speak his native language of Japanese helped him the most. I will recommend you to my fellow foreign wife friends if their husbands need counseling, thank you again!
Greg, thank you for this lesson guided throughout with your kind and heartful personality. You listened to me carefully and then guided me to another possible ideas through our conversation. I wish you a good day and night. See you in the next opportunity!
Had a wonderful chat today, looking forward to many more together, she is a wonderful person, great listener, highly recommended
온라인 상담 강사
모집 기간: 2021년 6월 10일 ~ 6월 16일
모집 카테고리 : 상담
모집 대상:
- 상담 관심이 있지만 레슨을 수강하지 않은 수강생
- 그 외
모집 인원: 10명
모니터 수강 순서
- 레슨 2회를 수강한 후 리뷰를 작성 해주시면 무료 수강권 1장을 드립니다!
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모집 마감
※지원자가 없는 경우에는 모니터가 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다.
※모니터에 선정되신 분에게 2021년 6월 19일 까지 메일을 드립니다.
She has very powerful words to direct your life toward a meaningful life.
When you are lost yourself, it is helpful to have this lesson to reassure how you build up yourself again.