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Spanish Lesson Videos by a Cafetalk Tutor

Spanish Language Videos

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world. 21 countries use it as their official language and the need for Spanish is becoming even more necessary as the number of hispanic immigrants rise in the United States. Spanish is often chosen as a second foreign language in Japanese universities, but it's near impossible to find Spanish speaking opportunities, native teachers, and effective learning methods in Japan.

Cafetalk, which is well regarded for online English lessons, has carefully selected a Spanish teacher to offer video lessons! The pictures, sounds, and of course, contents of these vocabulary videos are just as great as lessons! Use them to prepare, review, or motivate yourself to keep learning Spanish!

Learn distinct Spanish through these fresh videos and make the words your own!

From:   In:   Teaching:

These basic lessons are taught by Sofia Fernandez, a Spanish teacher who is fluent in Japanese and offers lessons with thorough explanations in Japanese.

Cafetalk Spanish lesson 1
基本の挨拶 編

人称代名詞 編
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国の名称 編
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職業 編
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自己紹介 編
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専門分野 編
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野菜の名前 編
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数字(1〜10) 編
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  • Acceso a Internet(※1)
  • Auriculares y micrófono(※2)
  • Una cámara web (recomendado)

(※1)El dispositivo que utilice debe ser compatible con Skype.

(※2)No es necesario adquirir auriculares y micrófono por separado si su equipo ya posee parlantes y micrófono integrados. Un juego de auriculares y parlantes puede obtenerse por debajo de los 1000 yenes japoneses.

¿Qué es Skype?

Skype Es un servicio gratuito que le permite realizar llamadas telefónicas y por vídeo a través de Internet a otros usuarios de Skype y sin cargo alguno. Solo hace falta descargar el programa e instalarlo. ¡Ahora sí!, ¡está en condiciones de tomar clases particulares con tutores de todas partes del mundo!

¿Cómo funciona Cafetalk?

Lo guiaremos durante sus primeros pasos en el sitio, buscar clases y tomar lecciones mediante vídeos interactivos. ¡Fundamental para principiantes! ¡Usted puede aprender de nuestros vídeos!


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