SIMPLE *compliments* mean the MOST!

Irene Corazon

Compliments can be a great way for small talk. If someone offers you a compliment, that is a wonderful sign that the person wants to get you know better.

You perhaps received a lot of compliments in life and given them as well. Yeah, these are expressions of admiration.

Most of the time compliments are focused on the physical, be it for a male or female implies about how you manage to carry yourself and of course for a job well done at work. Well, these physical compliments give us a sense of ego boost and self-confidence. Saying THANK YOU is more than enough, if you cannot think of anything to say at that very moment. Be sure not to pause too long before saying thank you or your sincerity might be questioned                                                                

Oh, wait! Have you ever received a compliment out of proportion to a situation? For instance, you were told your clothes are amazing where it was just a plain blue shirt and casual pants. Well, in giving a compliment, be sure to match the degree of your admiration to how much you are sincerely impressed. Otherwise, people may question your honesty, or wonder if it is intended to convey sarcasm. 

Lemme share with you some magical phrases and examples I heard from people dear to me or just from some acquaintances.

1: *Older adults* (Seniors)  have a soft spot in my heart. A couple in their 70s said to me…

*Irene, you always make US smile!!- Well, this compliment is a telltale sign that I could manage to respond to situations despite having a bad hair day. I remember someone saying, *One beautiful and sincere smile is better than a thousand beautiful faces*.

2: When I helped an elderly to carry a grocery bag, she was a total stranger and she uttered:

“I appreciate your help. I am grateful, you are so kind!

3: When I volunteered to cook for a group of ladies- (Mom’s group). Well, I did it with little effort and the result was kind exceptional.

Music to my ears when I heard they said: “ Hmmm, the food was yummy! Did you make it from scratch - CHEF?

4: You are the best mom!

Well, this compliment could be said, though to almost anyone as long as it is delivered wholeheartedly by someone so dear and special.  It meant so much to me as a mom because it personifies care, trust & closeness. Well, being told “THE BEST” in anything… means to rank A1.   (Sounds cheesy)… yes!



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