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Juane 강사 칼럼

The Best Drummer Ever

주간 토픽: Musical Instrument That I Adore

2020년 6월 10일

I have always felt a sort of fascination for drums and, whenever I attend a live concert, I spend most of the time paying attention to the drummer at the back of the stage, instead of the much nearer vocalist or guitarist. I used to play the drums myself and even joined a "taiko" (Japanese drums) band when I lived in Nara, although I never played profesionally.
Today I wanted to introduce who is, in my opinion, the best drummer in the history of rock. His name is Mike Portnoy and he became famous as the main drummer of the progressive rock band Dream Theater. In the video above, you can watch him play the song "Pull Me Under" from the album "Images and Words". Have you ever seen a bigger drum set?
Feel free to share your ideas in the comments, whether you liked this song or not and who your favourite drummer is.

I hope you enjoyed the music!

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