Return of the light - Winter Solstice at Stonehenge


Soon it will be the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
This year it's on the 21st December.  
It marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. 
It's an important day in many cultures and religions. 
For pagans, it signifies the return of the sun as the days will progressively get longer and longer after this day.  
In England, many people gather at Stonehenge on the morning of the Winter Solstice to watch the sunrise and welcome the return of the light. 
The video above is a clip from that celebration a few years ago. 
Unfortunately, this year due to the pandemic, they aren't allowed to gather at Stonehenge.
Although we can't visit Stonehenge this year for the Winter Solstice, we can watch the sunset and sunrise live here:

If you missed it live, you can rewatch it on youtube! I will update with the links. 
The broadcasts will start a bit before sunrise and sunset: 
It has been a tough year and many people have faced dark times.

I think we all are looking forward to welcoming the light back. 

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