A different Christmas this year

주간 토픽: How do you celebrate your Christmas/Hanukkah this year?


Usually I would travel from London to the US to spend Christmas with my family. 

This year, however, I decided to stay in London. 

It's not my preferred way to spend Christmas, but what else can we do? 

As a special treat, I have some manga and a magazine from Japan that just arrived so I plan to read them on Christmas day. I will probably also read a book or two from my pile of reading. (I love to read, and I have so many books to read, it's hard to find the time!) 

Luckily there is a huge park near me, called Hampstead Heath. I really love going for walks there. Unfortunately, right now, it's very muddy! It has been raining a lot recently and of course lots of people walking around makes it more messy too. I will still try to go for a walk if the weather is okay. 

Oh and of course, there will be a lot of phone calls, Skype, and Zoom! ^^

Although maybe I won't have the Christmas I usually would, at least there is a rainbow at the end of all the rain! 

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