Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know

Lyston G.

Dear, Readers. 

What a pleasure it is to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know. It is my sincere hope that you are doing excellent.

Well, the rainy season is in full swing in southern Thailand. The hot summer is fast becoming a memory. I am looking forward to the next six months of rain. 

Record breaking rain, floods in Thailand kill 12 | Skymet Weather Services

Coincidentally, this period is usually a low tourist season in Thailand. The good news is that you can get pretty good bargains on hotel and tour deals at this time of the year.

Since we are on the subject of weather, the fun fact today is about this exciting topic. 

Living in the northern hemisphere has its advantages. People who live here experience snow on a regular basis. 

But, did you know that two-thirds of the people on earth have never seen snow? 

Snow is a major part of winter for many people around the world. Some people spend a fortune traveling around the world experiencing it. 

Most people, however, have only seen it on TV. 

It is because most countries in the southern hemisphere do not experience snowy days. 

Africa, Southeast Asia, South America, Australia, and the Middle East have large areas that have never experienced snow. 

It is too hot and the temperatures do not fall low enough to trigger snowfalls.

Geographical location is critical when it comes to weather patterns. 

I hope more people will be able to travel and experience this natural wonder. 

I was really intrigued by this little fun fact. I come from Zimbabwe, and although the winter in Zimbabwe can be punishing, it never snows except for freak events once in a generation. 

But it snows in South Africa and Lesotho. I have a video accompanying this installment showing the snowy mountains of Lesotho. Enjoy it. 

I am looking forward to bringing you another fun fact. Have a happy week, and see you soon. 

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