
My personal motto

Audrey オードリー

Do you have a motto? A motto can be your original motto or a quote from a famous person.
My motto is:
"Tomorrow will be better."
I say it to myself when I feel down, and when I feel my life is not where I want it to be.

These words came to my mind sometime in late 2019.  I was going through some challenging times and I self-talked myself into believing that the next day would be better. 
Gladly, there are not many days when I feel this way.  But when I do, my motto gives me encouragement.  It seems to work for me.  Usually, the next day does feel better.
People have mottos for different reasons, mostly for inspiration, to avoid destructive thoughts, remind oneself of values, change a habit, etc.
To me, a motto should be inspirational and easy to remember.  Using a mouthful of words where you can't even remember it is no good.
I came across a quote by Audrey Hepburn recently.  It says, 
Nothing is impossible.  The word says, "I'm possible".
It is not too long and easy to remember.  I guess I can use it when I need some motivation to do something.  This is my new motto.


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