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Kelly Hartnett 강사 칼럼

The "straw" that broke the camel's back~

주간 토픽: Funny Mistakes I Have Experienced in Language Learning

2021년 12월 2일 | 1 코멘트

I've heard this idiom many times before throughout my life. It is a mistake I made when learning my OWN language!

It is a very popular saying. You might also hear that something is "the final straw".

Since I first heard this phrase when I was young, I always imagined a poor camel, walking through the desert, weighed down by straws....plastic drinking straws.

The meaning is that after many small problems or annoyances, even one more small one, when added to the others, will cause a person's temper, patience, etc. to finally break.

The image makes complete sense!

HOWEVER..... a CafeTalk student actually recently made me realize I was completely wrong!

The real image is a piece of straw or hay. A very large stack of small and light pieces of hay, and one more small and light piece will be too much.

But for some reason, I never made the connection!

Straw vs. Straw......

English is crazy sometimes!

私はこれまで何度もこのイディオムを聞いてきました。 自分の言語を学ぶときに犯した間違いです!
とても人気のあることわざです。 また、何かが「最後の藁」であると聞くかもしれません。
実像はわらや干し草です。 小さくて軽い干し草の非常に大きなスタックと、もう1つの小さくて軽い干し草は多すぎます。

이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

부담없이 질문해 주세요!