Springtime in Japan

주간 토픽: If you have the theme “spring” in your class, what would be the content?


What's your favourite season? Mine's autumn, and I've never really been a fan of spring. Well, that was true until I lived in Japan! The truth is that some seasons are easier to appreciate in different places! So what's so great about springtime in Japan?

1. Sakura and Hanami. The gorgeous cherry blossoms that sweep across the country make it the most popular time of year to visit Japan.
2. Sakura snacks. The delicate flavour of cherry blossom finds its way into a variety of treats from the konbini, from sakura biru to sakura flavoured yukimi daifuku... yum!
3. Good weather! When I lived in Japan (in Kyushu), the region shrugged off the winter chill and embraced gorgeous temperatures at an early time in the year.
4. Festivals! There are plenty of fun things to enjoy in the springtime in Japan.

By comparsion, springtime in the UK is a bit grey and dreary - it's still cold, wet, and windy here, and with no delicious cherry blossom ice creams at the corner shop to cheer me up... I can see why so many tourists flock to Japan at this time of year!

What do you love about springtime in your country? Leave a comment and let me know!
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