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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Kyoko. I 's Column

The difference between “wa” and “ga”「は」と「が」のちがい①


みなさん はじめまして。Kyokoといいます。
Nice to meet you! My name is Kyoko. 

これから、みなさんに レッスンで お会い(おあい)することを たのしみに しています!
I'm looking forward to meeting you in lessons!

Today's topic is "What the difference between "wa" and "ga" (1).

"wa" comes after "topic".

わたしは きょう がっこうに いきます。As for me, I go to school today.
きょうは にちようびです。Today is Sunday. (explaining today.)

●「が」は 特定(とくてい)したり、定義(ていぎ)します。
"ga" is specifier or definer.

A:どのひとが ビルさん ですか。Which one is Mr. Bill? 
B:あのひとが ビルさん です。 That man (over there)  is Mr. Bill.

「は」と「が」の ちがいは ほかにも あります。
There are more differences between "wa" and "ga".

つづきは また!
I'll write about it in the next blog.
See you!


This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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