Dream Gadget: Imagine you could invent any gadget, what would you invent?




Dear cafetalk students and everyone, Let’s dive into a world of imagination and innovation. Imagine you have the power to invent any gadget you want. What would it be? 


Have you ever thought about a gadget that could make your wildest dreams come true? It could be something you've always wished for or a tool that would make life easier and more fun. 

It could be anything for example a device that lets you talk to animals, a flying carpet, a backpack that instantly teleports you to any place you want to go, or something likeドラえもん どこでもドア. Hahaha!!



The challenge for you. Improve your English while having fun. 

Today I want to challenge you to come up with an interesting and wild idea. This is a fantastic way to practice your English writing. So come on!!  Describe your dream gadget in detail. 

What are the features?

What does it look like? What does it do? Think about the special features and functions that would make your invention extraordinary.

How Would it Change Your Life?

Imagine having your dream gadget by your side. How would it change your everyday life? Would it take you on incredible adventures? Help you with your chores? Make new friends? Write about the ways your invention would bring joy and excitement to your life.


While this is all about imagination, you can draw inspiration from things you see around you. Maybe you're inspired by a favorite book, a movie, or something you've always wished existed. Remember, even magical inventions can have a touch of reality.

To make your idea even more special, you can illustrate your dream gadget. Draw or find pictures that represent your invention. This way, your readers can see exactly what you're imagining.



Once you finish writing, share it with your friends and family. Ask them what they think about your invention and what magical gadgets they would create. This topic is bound to spark some amazing conversations! If you would like, book my next lesson, and let’s share our crazy ideas with each other. If you want me to check your writing and give feedback, I will happily do that. If you just want to talk, I am fine with that too. 


And I have limited-time discount coupons for you. 


이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.


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