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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Emi M 강사 칼럼

Top 10 popular sports in the world!

주간 토픽: Fall sports and activities

2023년 10월 8일

Japan has many holidays on Mondays.

October 9th (Monday) is Sports Day and a public holiday.

What sports do you all play?

In Japan, traditional sports such as sumo, judo, kendo, and archery are famous. The popular sport would be baseball. I also love baseball (just watching)

The TV audience rating for the World Baseball Classic held this year reportedly exceeded 40%.

Baseball is a sport that has a lot of interest in Japan, but it doesn't seem to be a major sport worldwide.

This time, I introduced the sports with the most number of players in the world in a ranking.

Is number 1 surprising? It's that sport!

Please check out my video!

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