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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Emi M 강사 칼럼

【3reactions】Japanese people when you sneeze.

2023년 10월 17일

When I sneeze, I'm talking to someone from an English-speaking country, they respond by saying, "Bless you!" 

I wondered Why??
Some English speakers may not know how to react to Japanese people sneezing.
This time, I made a video about the following:
1, Why do people say "Bless you!"?
2, How do Japanese people react when you sneeze?

表現ポイント/Expression point

迷信やうわさ(superstitions and rumors)に関する表現


Is someone gossiping about me?
Is someone talking about me?
Is someone spreading rumors about me?


Sneezing can be a bit embarrassing because you can't control it.
By blaming someone else for your sneeze, you can make the situation go away, and it is a more gentle response for the people around you.

くしゃみは自分でコントロールできないので、少し恥ずかしいかもしれません。 くしゃみを他人のせいにすることで、その状況を解決することができ、周囲の人たちにとっても優しい対応になります。

今も昔も広がるフェイクニュース/Fake news spreads all the time

Even in the era when "Bless you!" was born, there were many superstitions, rumors, and fake news.
The same is true in modern times.
During the pandemic, there was a lot of misinformation in Japan, such as "Toilet paper will be running out", "Drinking green tea will cure your illness" and "Eating yogurt will make you feel better."
Disasters, epidemics, and fake news always appear at the same time.

Let us learn from the past and be wise!

이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

부담없이 질문해 주세요!