The origins of Halloween

주간 토픽: Halloween: costumes, decorations, and traditions

Dan H

The origins of Halloween date back over 1,000 years.

Here are some interesting facts for you:

- Halloween originates from the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced Sah win). It was a pagan religious celebration mostly occurring in Ireland and Scotland.

- People would celebrate the end of the harvest and the start of winter. They would light large bonfires to guide ghosts to the afterlife.

- Christians adopted some of the traditions of Samhain to their own "All Saints Day" celebration on November 1st. The night before this was "All Hallows Eve" which eventually became "Halloween".

- The first Jack-o-lanterns weren't pumpkins, they were turnips! People would carve fearsome faces into turnips to frighten evil spirits. If you don't know what a turnip looks like then check out the cartoon above.

- Celtic people believed that these evil spirits walked all over the earth. They started wearing scary costumes so that they wouldn't be bothered by the spirits. People all over the world still wear scary costumes today.

- The colours orange and black, traditionally associated with Halloween, also came from the festival of Samhain. They represented the harvest and the death of summer. 

- The large bonfires of Samhain attracted insects and bats. Bats then became associated with the festival and have remained a creature of eeriness ever since.

There are lots more Halloween traditions, some of which have more modern origins than the Celtic festival of Samhain (for example - Trick or Treating). 

Which are your favourites?

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