A Glimpse of the Himalayas: From My Window


My home country, Nepal, is known for its stunning Himalayan Mountain range and, of course, the tallest mountain in the world: Mt. Everest. My hometown is a far distance from the Himalayas, and on most days, mountain peaks can't be seen from there. However, there's a special time of the year, during the autumn season, when the skies turn crystal clear, and the mountains reveal themselves. Today was one of those days when I woke up to this breathtaking view. The sight of these peaks outside my window, even though they look so far and small, is a reminder to me of how blessed I am. This is the picture I could capture, but it looked even more magnificent in reality.

Word meanings:
Stunning= extremely attractive

Reveal= make (previously unknown or hidden) known or seen 
Breathtaking=  magnificient, highly attractive
Sight= view, a thing that can be seen
magnificient=  extremely beautiful
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