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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Emi M 강사 칼럼

Fake news spread again

2024년 1월 11일

Here we go again.
Fake news spreads every time a disaster or epidemic occurs.
This fake news also became an issue during this Noto Peninsula earthquake.
I think it would be better to impose stricter penalties on fake news that confuses people.
What kind of fake news has spread this time?
And I made a video about how to deal with fake news like this.

Expression Point

This time, I have put together a list of expressions related to expressing the emotion of anger.

① I won't let them!

② capital punishment 厳罰
I won't let them! They should be given capital punishment!

③ have a fit 激ギレする
Why are you having a fit?

④  I’ve had it! いい加減にしてよ!もう十分だ!

⑤ Spreading fake information is the same as murder!

⑥ heart break 心が痛む
My heart breaks when I think about the people who are evacuating to evacuation centers during the New Year.

⑦ I won't be fooled! 騙されないぞ!

⑧ How vicious! なんて悪質なんだ!

⑨ Give me a break! いい加減にしてよ!

⑩ The list goes on and on. キリがないよ

⑪ I've wondered all my life ずっと謎なんだけど
I've wondered all my life, why some people do such bad things. For what?
ずっと謎なんだけど、なんでそんな悪いことをするんだろう。 何のために?

⑫ Do they have human hearts? 人の心があるんか?

⑬ It does not sit well with me! 納得できない!

⑭ it is a huge nuisance. 超迷惑
Even though they were so busy responding to the earthquake, it was a huge nuisance.

Prepare for fake news just like you would for an earthquake


We have entered an era where AI is also used for fake news.

Now, I'm not confident that I can see through them.


It would be nice if we could have the composure to take a breath when we see impactful information.

Maybe the best thing to do is not look at social media.

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