Talking about weather in English (verbs): Part 2

Zach McLaughlin

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at verbs for rain and snow. Today, we will continue by taking a look at some verbs associated with clouds and sunlight.


Here some verbs and phrasal verbs related to the movement of clouds:

  • During the night it clouded over, and some areas had thunderstorms. (When the sky becomes filled with clouds, it “clouds over.” A person’s face can also “cloud over” with a negative emotion, such as anger or suspicion.)  
  • Storm clouds began to gather on the horizon. (Another way to say that clouds are forming or moving into an area is to say that they “are gathering.”)
  • After a few hours, it cleared up and the sun came out. (When clouds disperse or dissipate, they go away and the sky “clears up.”) 
  • We just sat in the park for a few minutes, watching the clouds drift lazily across the sky. (When wind moves clouds slowly across the sky, the clouds “drift.”) 
  • The clouds blocked out the moon and stars, so we couldn’t get a good picture. (When clouds obscure/cover something by moving in front of it, they “block” it or “block it out.”)


There are many verbs and phrasal verbs that describe the movement and actions of light sources, such as the sun. Here are a few:

  • It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining. (To say that the sun “shines” simply means that it gives out or produces a bright light. Other light sources, such as flashlights, can also “shine.”)
  • After the storm, the sun came out and quickly dried up all the rain. (When the sun appears from behind the clouds, it “comes out.”)
  • The sun was beating down on us all afternoon. (When the sun radiates intense heat and brightness, it “beats down.” Add the particle “on” to this phrasal verb if you want to mention an object.)
  • The sunset reflected off the lake, dazzling us. (If the sun temporarily blinds you or makes it difficult for you to see, it “dazzles” you. Light that dazzles you can be describing by the adjective “dazzling.”)
  • The sun was glaring right in my eyes, so I had to put on my sunglasses. (The verb “glare” is another way to say that the sun shines brightly with dazzling light. It is frequently used as a noun, however, as in “I had to shield my eyes from the glare of the sun.”
  • We were blinded by the sunlight reflecting off the snow. (When sunlight dazzles you, you can also say that it “blinds” you, making it difficult to see properly. Such light is “blinding.”)
  • The sun really heats up the black leather seats in my car. (Strong sunlight can warm up or heat up surfaces that it touches. In extreme cases, it can burn or scorch.)
  • Some verbs are only used poetically (in songs, poems, or novels). For example, sunlight may be said to touch, kiss, or caress someone’s face or skin. 

In Part 3, we’ll take a look at some verbs associated with wind and extreme weather.

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