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Vicky B 강사 칼럼

Watch BBC documentary videos to improve your English comprehension - BBCのドキュメンタリービデオを見て英語の理解力を高める

2024년 2월 13일


BBC Reel is a collection of short documentary videos from the BBC about various topics - history, geography, culture, society, education, etc.

BBC Reelは、歴史、地理、文化、社会、教育など、さまざまなトピックに関するBBCの短いドキュメンタリービデオのコレクションです。


The videos are all short. Some are about 2 or 3 minutes. Most are no longer than 10 minutes.



All videos have (accurate) subtitles.



It's ideal for if you're interested in learning something new and practicing your English at the same time.



The content is all produced by the BBC, and it is available in any country. You don't need a British TV license to access it.



I sometimes use these videos in my Documentary Video Lessons.



If you are interested in watching English documentary videos and discussing them with a native teacher, why not try my Documentary Video Lessons?


이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

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