Traditional art of Nepal: Mandala


Thangka painting is one of the significant aspects of Nepali art, particularly in Tibetan Buddhist communities. These scroll paintings, often on cotton or silk canvas, depict Buddhist deities, mandalas, and religious scenes with meticulous detail and vibrant colors. This art form requires immense patience, precision, and attention to detail. Thangkas are not just decorative artworks but are also used for meditation and spiritual practice.


What is Mandala? What does it symbolize? 

Mandala is one of the subjects that are featured in thangka painting. It is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe or cosmos. The mandala is based on the formula of the five elements of life: earth, water, air, fire, and space. It also means that everything in this world is interlinked and exists only because of the presence of the other.


Shapes and designs of Mandala: 

Mandalas are usually circular with designs radiating from the center, and the word Mandala in Sanskrit means circle. The circular design symbolizes the idea that life is never ending, and everything is connected, even though sometimes it may be difficult to be aware of this.

It can also be found in other shapes, too, such as a square, rectangle, triangle, or semi-circle.


Mandala art in spiritual practice: 

Mandalas are used in meditation, spiritual practices, and religious rituals to aid in focus, concentration, and enlightenment.  Mandala is considered one of the most effective forms of healing and therapeutic art, as focusing on the drawing itself or colouring the mandala can be used in the healing process. Drawing mandalas can reduce anxiety, tension, and stress. It also stimulates creativity and helps to release emotional blockages.

Source: An article from Inside Himalayas

Image 1: ByJacqueline mace from Pixabay 

Image 2: By myself  (


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