Happiness and Song

주간 토픽: International Day of Happiness! One thing that makes you happy...

Holly J

I have to say that a lot of things make me happy. I feel happy when I hold my animals. I feel happy when I spend time with my mother. I feel happy when I teach amazing students. But the thing I want to talk about today is feeling happy when I sing.

I have enjoyed singing since I was a child. I grew up singing songs with my church. And I wanted to sing for others, so I praccticed.

I practiced at home, in the house and outside. I practiced on the school bus, which some people did not like. And I practiced at school. I could not stop singing. I sang Christian songs, country songs, and a few pop songs.

Then, when I was fifteen, I discovered songs from Ireland and scotland. We would also call this Celtic music. Celtic music also includes songs from other countries, but mostly, I sing Irish and Scottish songs.

Many of the songs are sad, but singing the songs makes me happy. The music is beautiful, and is an interesting way to learn history and culture.

Also, I have been able to make others happy with my singing, which is the best part. I have sung for elderly people at nursing homes. I have sung for people from Ireland and Scotland. And I have sung for my family. It especially made my grandfather happy.

So what about you? Does listening to music make you happy? Does singing make you happy? Do you like to make other people happy when you sing?
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Holly J강사의 인기 칼럼

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    Happiness and Song

    I have to say that a lot of things make me happy. I feel happy when I hold my animals. I feel happy...

    Holly J

    Holly J

    2024년 3월 19일
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