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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Olimpia 강사 칼럼

The Final Storm

주간 토픽: What marks the start of spring in your culture?

2024년 3월 25일

I have heard that in some countries, there is a clear and progressive transition towards spring. The sun begins to stay in the sky longer and the snow begins to melt as the earth warms. You know what to expect each week. 
In Eastern Canada, this is not the case. A mix of winds coming from the ocean, the north and from the USA make this time of year unpredictable. The days begin to get longer and suddenly the wind feels a little warmer. Canadians begin wearing sweaters and even t-shirts outside in anticipation for spring. 
We always have a dilemma. How much longer should we wait before finally putting that big winter coat and bulky comforter into storage so that there will be more space in the closets? For me, I always keep at least one large blanket folded in a basket next to my bed because I know what will happen. 
Right as I take my favorite sandals out of my closet a cold wind will blow in in the middle of the night and shower us with one last giant snow storm. And you are left to frantically put on boots, sweaters and that coat that you had optimistically put in the plastic storage bin under your bed. It happens every year. I joke often that it's winter's way of saying: Don't miss me too much. 

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