「想要」跟「想」的差別 / The Difference between"想要" (xiǎng yào) and "想" (xiǎng)



In Mandarin, "想要" (xiǎng yào) and "想" (xiǎng) sometimes express similar meanings, both used to convey thoughts or intentions. However, sometimes, depending on the words that follow, the meanings can be entirely different. Today, we want to discuss the differences between "想要" (xiǎng yào) and "想" (xiǎng) in detail.


First, let's look at "想" (xiǎng). "想" (xiǎng) is a "state verb," and it can be followed by a verb (verb phrase) or a noun (expressing missing someone, thinking of someone).


(a) When "想" (xiǎng) is followed by a verb (verb phrase), it expresses the intention or desire to do a certain action. For example:


Example 1: 我想吃冰淇淋。 (Wǒ xiǎng chī bīngqílín.) 

Example 2: 我想睡覺。 (Wǒ xiǎng shuìjiào.)


Here, "吃冰淇淋" (chī bīngqílín, eating ice cream) or "睡覺" (shuìjiào, sleeping) are verb phrases used as objects, expressing the speaker's desire to do these actions. Note that "想" (xiǎng) here is not an auxiliary verb, so be aware of this distinction.


(b) When "想" (xiǎng) is followed by a noun, the first type expresses missing or longing for someone. For example:


Example 1: 我很想我爸。 (Wǒ hěn xiǎng wǒ bà.) 

Example 2: 小明一直很想他的前女友。 (Xiǎomíng yīzhí hěn xiǎng tā de qián nǚyǒu.)


Here, "想" (xiǎng) is close to the meaning of "想念" (xiǎngniàn, to miss), and it can also be followed by other words to expand its meaning, such as "想起" (xiǎngqǐ, to recall), "想出" (xiǎngchū, to come up with), "想着" (xiǎngzhe, thinking about), etc., which we won't discuss in detail here.


(c) When "想" (xiǎng) is followed by a noun, the second type expresses thinking or considering. For example:


Example 1: 大華想這個題目想了一整天。 (Dàhuá xiǎng zhège tímù xiǎngle yī zhěng tiān.)


Next, let's look at "想要" (xiǎng yào). Here, "想" (xiǎng) is an auxiliary verb expressing the intention to perform a certain action, while "要" (yào) means wanting to obtain something. Combined, "想要" (xiǎng yào) expresses a stronger desire or need, sounding more determined and goal-oriented.


Interestingly, depending on what follows, the meaning can differ from "想" (xiǎng).


(a) When followed by a verb (verb phrase), it expresses a stronger intention or desire to do something. For example:


Example 1: 我想要去紐約。 (Wǒ xiǎng yào qù Niǔyuē.) 

Example 2: 爸爸想要買新車,結果跟媽媽大吵了一架。 (Bàba xiǎng yào mǎi xīnchē, jiéguǒ gēn māma dà chǎole yī jià.)


Here, "去紐約" (qù Niǔyuē, going to New York) or "買新車" (mǎi xīnchē, buying a new car) are also used as objects, expressing the subject's strong desire to perform these actions. The grammar is similar to "想" (xiǎng), but it sounds more determined.


(b) When followed by a noun, it expresses the desire to obtain something. For example:


Example 1: 我想要一台新電腦。 (Wǒ xiǎng yào yī tái xīn diànnǎo.) 

Example 2: 小美想要一個男朋友,所以開始玩交友軟體。 (Xiǎoměi xiǎng yào yī ge nán péngyǒu, suǒyǐ kāishǐ wán jiāoyǒu ruǎntǐ.)


Note that "想要" (xiǎng yào) does not have the meaning of missing or thinking like "想" (xiǎng). The core meaning of "想要" (xiǎng yào) is in "要" (yào), with "想" (xiǎng) only making the desire stronger and more determined. This is the biggest difference between "想要" (xiǎng yào) and "想" (xiǎng).


Additionally, when "想" (xiǎng) is used alone as a verb, it is often used to state thinking about something. If it involves other subjects, places, or things, "想念" (xiǎngniàn) is more commonly used. This word's introduction is outside the scope of today's discussion so that we won't cover it here.





















































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