تسوية الصُّفوف في الصلاة،،،،كيف يُعزَلُ الوالي عن رَعِيَّتِه من خلال الصلاة


إذا لم يتم تصور استقامة خط المُصَلين روحيا من تلقاء كل فرد، فإن هذا الخط يصير آلي ببرمجة من الخارج يُرى بالعين المُجردة يُسَيطر قهريا بعد حين على حرية كل فرد،،،،هل بقيت إرادة لدى المصلين و هم قد بُرمِجوا ؟

If the straightness of the worshipers is not imagined and visualized spiritually on their own initiative, then this line becomes automatic, programmed from the outside, visible with the naked eye, and after a while it will compulsively control the freewill of each individual. Is there any willpower left among the worshipers while they have been programmed?



This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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