Honesty is the best policy

Cheryl Teacher

Today let’s look at some phrases that are used to talk about telling the truth and being honest. 

The truth will out - Eventually, the truth will become known.

He believed that no matter how well the secret was kept, eventually, the truth will out 


To come clean - To confess or tell the truth.

After years of carrying the guilt, he decided to come clean about his involvement in the incident.


To lay one's cards on the table - To be open and honest about one's intentions or resources.

It's time we lay our cards on the table and talk about our family's future. 


No beating around the bush - Speaking directly without avoiding the main topic.

When asked for feedback, he didn't beat around the bush and straight away pointed out the areas needing improvement.

Heart-to-heart - A sincere, serious talk where feelings are expressed openly.

The father decided it was time for a heart-to-heart with his son about responsibility and the choices he was making.

To tell it like it is - To speak frankly and truthfully.

He's known for telling it like it is, even if the truth is hard to hear.

To give it to someone straight - To tell something to someone clearly and directly.

Give it to me straight, please, just tell me what's going on.

To be upfront - To be open and honest about one's thoughts or intentions.

I want to be upfront with you about my intentions to apply for the other position.

I’d love to hear your examples with these idioms and I look forward to giving you feedback or helping you in class! 


This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.


British Idioms

25 Min.
2,200 Punkte

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