Honesty is the best policy

Cheryl Teacher

Today let’s look at some phrases that are used to talk about telling the truth and being honest. 

The truth will out - Eventually, the truth will become known.

He believed that no matter how well the secret was kept, eventually, the truth will out 


To come clean - To confess or tell the truth.

After years of carrying the guilt, he decided to come clean about his involvement in the incident.


To lay one's cards on the table - To be open and honest about one's intentions or resources.

It's time we lay our cards on the table and talk about our family's future. 


No beating around the bush - Speaking directly without avoiding the main topic.

When asked for feedback, he didn't beat around the bush and straight away pointed out the areas needing improvement.

Heart-to-heart - A sincere, serious talk where feelings are expressed openly.

The father decided it was time for a heart-to-heart with his son about responsibility and the choices he was making.

To tell it like it is - To speak frankly and truthfully.

He's known for telling it like it is, even if the truth is hard to hear.

To give it to someone straight - To tell something to someone clearly and directly.

Give it to me straight, please, just tell me what's going on.

To be upfront - To be open and honest about one's thoughts or intentions.

I want to be upfront with you about my intentions to apply for the other position.

I’d love to hear your examples with these idioms and I look forward to giving you feedback or helping you in class! 


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British Idioms

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