Nadine Flores
2024년 10월 02일
It really depends. If the choices are black tea or black coffee, ie no milk or sugar, I'd definitel...
Nadine Flores
The most difficult thing about living abroad
I lived in Japan and New Zealand from 2010 to 2012. I think the hardest thing about it was the holi...
Nadine Flores
Who is your favourite YouTuber?
Short answer: fashion gurus To The 9s from Canada!
Nadine Flores
I had so many favourite TV shows when I was a kid, but one show I loved the most was Disney's Reces...
Nadine Flores
Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am a morning person. To tell the truth, I have no choice.I have been making bento for more than 1...
こんにちは、日本語講師のMika です。今日は、わたしが健康のために続けていることを共有します! デデン! 『1日、最低6,000歩は歩くこと!』少ないですか?多いですか?本当はもっと歩きたいんで...
Mika. I
こんにちは。日本語Tutorのナナです。1週間、京都に帰省をしていました。京都でのレッスンに入って頂いた生徒様、ありがとうございました。It was so good to see my regula...
Nana, Kyoto
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