
Mastering May, Might, and Could: Talking About Possibilities and Suggestions

Recel Mae

Hi, student! Let’s talk about three helpful words in English: may, might, and could. These words show possibilities or suggest options. Let’s make it simple!
1. Possibility in the Future
We use may, might, or could to talk about things that might happen in the future. For example:
We might go to the park tomorrow.
It may rain later, so take an umbrella.
He could call you tonight.
These sentences mean the events are possible, but not certain. Can you think of one thing you might do tomorrow? Try it using may, might, or could.
2. Good Options or Suggestions
We also use these words to suggest good ideas. For example:
We could paint the bedroom a new color.
The beach may be a good place for you since you love the ocean.
Think of something you could suggest to a friend. Try using could in your sentence.
3. Transforming Sentences
Let’s practice changing sentences to use these modals:
I will go to the gym later. → I may go to the gym later.
Can I borrow your pen? → May I borrow your pen?
She was able to run fast. → She could run fast.
It’s possible it will rain. → It might rain.
Try rewriting these sentences with may, might, or could:
I will visit my friend tomorrow. (might)
Can you help me carry this bag? (could)
They will probably go to the museum. (may)

Now you know how to use may, might, and could! Use them to talk about future possibilities or give suggestions. Keep practicing, and soon it will feel easy and natural. What might you practice next? Let’s keep learning!

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