My little sister - my big role model!

주간 토픽: Do you have a role model in life?


Expressions (表現)

The something of someone's dreams  == 理想の...
inclined to = 性向を示して
real feat = accomplishment / 偉業
To top it off =さちに、その上

I have many role models, but one of them is my little sister. 

I say little but she's not so little - she's 29 years old now, but for me somehow, she still feels like my baby sister, because I can remember her when she was young. I guess this is how parents feel about their kids when they grow up!

She's been a role model because:

1. She got rejected from the university of her dreams (the University of Toronto) two times, but went on to get not only her masters there, but also her PhD, and now she's even teaching there. I don't think she realizes what an amazing achievement this is. 

So what can we learn from that? 
"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!" (This is a famous English saying.)

2. She is a scientist and had to perform difficult statistical equations and analysis, but by nature, she wasn't really good at science, and was pretty bad at math. This serves as a reminder that just because you're not inclined to do something, it doesn't mean you can't work hard and become better at it, like she did.

3. She was persistent. She was dedicated and she worked on herself improving every aspect of herself - from her maths skills to her statistical skills - she worked very hard to achieve her goals. 

4. She also has a baby now, but is lecturing at universities in Toronto! Again, for anyone who has kids, this is a real feat. I'm so impressed by her. 

To top it all off, she's not even 30 years old yet!

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