As you know, the Japanese チャレンジする is often used with the meaning of to try, to attempt, to tackle a certain situation.
However, many non-native speakers use this incorrectly in its original English version.
As an example, let’s look at the following:
“I challenged tennis last year.”
Although the intended meaning is “I tried tennis last year” it sounds awkward.
That’s because challenge is not used in this way.
Let’s look at what comes immediately before or after challenge and how it’s actually used.
You challenge a person, meaning you can invite them to compete or take part, and they will react in one way or another.
“She challenged her friend (to a contest).”
You cannot challenge a thing, like tennis, because it has no ability to compete with you anyway.
“She challenged tennis last year.” X
So, challenge + a person CORRECT
challenge + a thing INCORRECT
Face a challenge: the situation of being faced with a problem
Example: The world is facing the challenge of climate change.
Rise to the challenge: test a person’s ability
Example: It’s going to be a difficult game but I’m sure the defense will rise to the challenge.
Issue a challenge: invite someone to take part in or compete, as in a game or argument
Example: He issued his rival candidate a challenge to debate at the town hall.
So, if you just want to try something new this year, don’t challenge, but do the following:
Attempt “I’m going to attempt to climb that mountain in the summer.”
Strive: “I will strive to be a better father from now on.”
Or, in more idiomatic terms, you could try the following:
Take a crack at “I’m gonna take a crack at surfing this year.”
Have a go at “I had a go at archery last year, though with limited success.”
Set one’s sights on “He’s set his sights on passing the test with a perfect score.”
So take on the challenge of improving your English even more this year! ;-)
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