
Fun ways of learning English!

주간 토픽: Recommended games and activities for students!

Ms Judy

Learning English doesn't have to be a chore. Don't remain stuck with endless grammar drills, embrace fun! Try these five games and activities to level up your language skills without the boredom.
  1. "Actually" Game: Debate a topic, any topic, and include "actually" into every sentence, however absurdly. It's hilarious and surprisingly effective.

  2. Improv Power: Join an improv group. It's fantastic for speaking practice, quick thinking, and boosting confidence. Laughter is a bonus!

  3. Podcast Immersion: Listen to podcasts on topics you enjoy. Summarize what you heard afterward to improve listening comprehension and vocabulary.

  4. Childhood Classics: Read your favorite kids' books aloud. It's excellent for pronunciation and intonation practice, plus a nostalgic trip.

  5. "Would You Rather" Wordplay: This classic party game is great for sparking conversations and practicing new vocabulary. Get creative with your scenarios!

So, ditch the textbooks and embrace the fun. With these engaging activities, you'll be speaking like a pro in no time.

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