
BABEL, R.F.Kuang

Yuka Kato

When I started reading the book, it was November 2024. It took 4 months! I had also read "YellowFace," written by R.F. Kuang, so I chose this book.
She is a talented novelist, just only 28 years old!
Looking forward to her new novel.
The main character, Robin, originally from Guangzhou, China, escaped from a disease which killed all his family and was brought by the mysterious Professor Lovell to London in 1828.
In that era, London worked with silver magic, as if real London in the 1800s was powered by a steam engine. Silver bars had a supernatural effect, and a spell required two languages.
He trained in translating for years and entered Oxford University as a translator student to invent, maintain, and use silver magic. Then...
I can't stand the final part of this novel without crying.
You should read it if you are interested in language and translation.
And touch on the necessity of violence.

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  • Meneesha

    After reading Yellowface, I can't wait to read this next! I love her writing.



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