Something I plan to offer this month

John R

This month, I plan to offer Nine Star Ki (九星気学) readings with palmistry sessions. Unlike palmistry, Nine Star Ki, based on five-element theory and I-Ching astrology, offers precise monthly timing advice. Yoshikawa Takashi (1924–2006) has been an influence on me since the early 1990s, alongside palmistry and oriental diagnosis in the context of macrobiotics. Several books on Nine Star Ki have been published within the macrobiotic community, including works by Michio Kushi. Yoshikawa's system builds on the work of Sonoda Shinjiro (1876–1961). Sonoda followed in the footsteps of Matsuura Kotokatsu, bridging Tibetan Lo Shu Flying Star divination into a refined system of study in Japan.

Nine Star Ki in Modern Practice

The field of Nine Star Ki is now "old school" in Japan, but it generally remains in modern belief systems in China and Taiwan. In Hong Kong, corporations invest heavily in feng shui, the visual counterpart to five-element theory, to determine office orientations. Nine Star Ki focuses on the nine-year cycles of cosmic energy on Earth, with nine-month cycles. Those cycles expand out to 81-year cycles and also contract down to hourly cycles. These cycles impact how you change in relating to others and also to yourself. 

The Combination of Palmistry & Nine Star Ki

Combining palmistry with 9 Star Ki gives more insights by distinguishing between available opportunities and your receptivity to them. Nine Star Ki identifies "cosmic" opportunities, while palmistry tends to reflect your mental and physical state, influencing your ability to take certain opportunities. Palmistry is like looking out a window, preparing to grab opportunities as they occur. Nine Star Ki, however, reveals what is available regardless of your readiness. For a Nine Star Ki forecast, I use the birthdate of the person in question.

Accuracy & Applications

The Nine Star Ki system has been called "freakishly accurate" in predicting outcomes based on a person's travel direction. When based in New York, Yoshikawa consulted former President Ronald Reagan and several celebrities on travel "directionology" as well as their personal relationships. The system has also been used for business and personal relationships based on personality types of I-Ching astrology, as detailed in Bob Sach's The Complete Guide to Nine Star Ki: A Timeless System for Discovering Life, Love, and Prosperity.

My Sessions

Although I’m prepared to include Nine Star Ki in sessions starting this month (March), I will focus on palmistry unless a student asks me to include Nine Star Ki. With that said, the request for Nine Star Ki usually falls into either of these two categories:

  1. You want to know favorable directions of travel for a specific year/month and the outcome of that travel. And if the travel direction is bad, you want to know how to mitigate it or
  2. You want advice about improving a personal or business relationship (or how to best deal with it). 

I hope to see you in a session!

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