
1. Mind-blowing --> The definition of mind blowing is something that is so shocking, surprising, unexpected or wonderful that your brain cannot comprehend it.
An example of a mind blowing experience is ‘sky diving’ or ‘seeing your new baby for the first time’.

2. Dynamite --> Dynamite is defined as a chemical explosive in stick form.
An example of dynamite is what is used to blow up and demolish buildings.

The definition of dynamite is a slang term for something 'outstanding' or 'very dangerous'.

3. Sexy --> The definition of sexy is someone or something that is considered pleasing in a sexual context.

An example of sexy is a very attractive girl, such as a super model.
An example of sexy is lingerie.
An example of sexy is a cool new car.
An example of sexy is the feeling you get when you look at your spouse on your honeymoon in the bedroom for the first time.

4. Fabulous --> The definition of fabulous is someone or something that is imaginary, hard to believe or very good.

An example of fabulous is a fantasy tale.
An example of fabulous is a very extravagant party.
An example of fabulous is a perfect date.

5. Hilar­i­ous --> The definition of hilarious is someone or something that is very, very funny.

An example of hilarious is a movie that you simply cannot stop laughing at.

6. Dan­ger­ous --> This is something that is potentially harmful, damaging or likely to cause an accident or injury.

An example of dangerous is an angry bear coming towards you.
An example of dangerous is making a decision sure to cause you to get into trouble.
An example of dangerous is a car with bald tires.

7. Extremely --> Variant of 'extreme'

in or to the greatest degree; extreme pain
to an excessive degree
far from what is usual or conventional
deviating to the greatest degree from the centre of opinion
very severe; drastic: extreme measures
designating or of sports that involve high speeds, unusually risky actions, and considerable exposure to physical injury

8. Exceptional --> The definition of exceptional is someone or something that is high above average or someone who needs special educational help because of mental or physical challenges.

An example of exceptional is an IQ of 140.
An example of exceptional is a mentally handicapped child who needs a tutor.

9. Creative --> The definition of creative is having or coming from original thought or imagination.

An example of creative is the quality of a unique painter.

Creative is defined as the work produced with originality in expression or imagination.
An example of creative is the drawings of a fashion designer.

10. Serious --> The definition of serious is showing deep thought, not joking, or a situation that requires careful thought.

An example of serious is wearing a full suit to a casual dinner; serious attire.
An example of serious is a person who doesn't smile or laugh easily; serious person.
An example of serious is sky diving; serious sport.

Be ‘exceptional’ and check-in tomorrow for more 'fabulous' words ...

See more on my Blog: http://robinlemare.blog.fc2.com/

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