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Suja 강사 칼럼

10 different ways of saying I AM HUNGRY!

2017년 5월 23일

Are you hungry? How many different ways have you heard someone say ‘I am hungry’? Here are some:


I’m hungry.

I’m starving.

I could eat a horse!

I’m as hungry as a wolf.

I’m famished. 

I’m feeling peckish.

I could eat an ox!

I’m as hungry as a bear.

I’ve got the munchies.

My stomach’s growling.


These phrases mean almost the same thing. Words with the same meaning are known as synonyms. Some of the phrases above are also idioms and similes.

A simile is a comparison between two different things using the word “like” or “as” to make the comparison. For instance, 

…as hungry as a wolf…meaning to be very hungry

…as blind as a bat…. meaning to have very bad eyesight


…as brave as a lion…meaning to be courageous or daring

Learning different ways of saying the same thing helps improve your listening comprehension and makes what you have to say less boring!

How many of the above phrases can you identify as idioms? 



Alrighty, my stomach’s on E now ??



Image from Pleated-Jeans

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