Do You Like to Write?

Tracy R.

Hello everyone!

I think writing is great. If I can, I try to write every day, since I believe it helps with many different aspects of my life. It helps me discover new words (Yes, even an English teacher can discover new words!), it helps me exercise my grammar skills, and, even more so, it allows me to have an outlet of expression.

This article shows how a school in North Carolina is trying to encourage students and residents of the state to tap into their creative sides. 

I really enjoyed this paragraph from the article as well:

The much-anticipated fiction contest's judging is mainly focused on the work's content rather than its grammatical value. After all, the contest's aim is to encourage writers to not be afraid of making mistakes in their writing - because those mistakes may end up creating a fresh, creative writing style that one would not have otherwise found.

I think this is a very important thing to keep in mind, even as far as studying another language. We're all often afraid of making mistakes, which stops us from writing, or speaking, when really that's just stymying our creativity. 

What do you think? Do you enjoy writing? How does writing help you? I'd love to hear your comments below! 

(Also remember that if you ever want to practice creative writing or even academic writing, you can request a lesson or set of lessons with me to help improve your writing and learn how to express yourself.)

Have a great day~

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