Anne E Conducting a business meeting

Conducting a business meeting

Useful expressions and dialogue practice


This lesson is good for intermediate and more advanced students who want to impove their understanding of conducting a business meeting.
We will also do a roleplay and speak about out own experiences conducting a business meeting, the success we've had and just a general  discussion surrounding this topic.   
Listed below is how you will start the lesson, practice using some useful expressions and you can also add any of your own that you think would be useful.

Useful expressions:  (Just a few to introduce the lesson, there are plenty more)
*      I'd like to welcome everyone to the meeting.
*      I'd like to thank you all for coming today.
*      The purpose of today's meeting is...

Dialogue practice:
*    Provided with the lesson material
Check your understanding:
What was the purpose of the meeting?

*    What did they discuss during the last meeting?

*    What decision did they make during the last meeting regarding recruitment?

*    There will be a situation and together we will roleplay by opening the meeting 
      and presenting it's purpose to the attendees.

*     Have you ever conducted a meeting?  If so, how did it go?
*     What is the role of a chairman at a meeting?
What kind of skills or characteristics should a good chairperson have?
*     What are the biggest obstacles to conducting an effective meeting?

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