Anming Alexander Lose Weight & Keep Your Shape - Pack

Lose Weight & Keep Your Shape - Pack

50 分钟 X 10
10 堂课程包
每堂 1,000 点
How to eat and exercise to stay strong, healthy, and beautiful while losing weight


此为 10 堂课程的课程包。当讲师确定第 1 堂课程预约后,另外 9 堂将会以优惠券的形式自动发送供之后预约使用。请注意,课程包优惠券使用期限为第 1 堂课程时间后的 90 天内

课程应按时间顺序预约,即第 2 堂课程的时间应在第 1 堂之后。以此类推。


This course is the science of how to lose weight without losing your curves and how to care for yourself properly while you are doing it. 

We will look at nutrition, exercise, proper rest, self care, and habit training to provide a comprehensive and healthy approach to sustainable weight loss and healthy living. 

This life is too short. This course is to help you achieve a greater quality of life, both physically and emotionally. You can choose to purchase one class at a time, but there is a 50% discount when you commit to the entire program, which is 10 classes. 

If you are on a mission to improve your health and well being, as well as your physical shape, this course can be a life changing catalyst for you. 

As a coach, I am knowledgeable, positive and supportive. I am empathetic because I have lost 100 pounds (45 kilos) myself, and struggled with body image and eating disordered behaviors as well. I was a certified personal trainer with my own business for 5 years in the US and primarily focused on weight loss clients. 

I'm passionate about helping people to improve their health and fitness because I know HOW to do it, I know you CAN do it, and I know that in the end it is 100% worth your effort. 

There is technically no lesson feedback for this type of lesson. However, I will provide written exercises and/or nutrition advice.





• 「未开始」的课程包(1)随时可以取消。取消后点数将全额退还。
(1) 「未开始」係指课程包尚未经讲师确定。
(2) 「进行中」係指课程包中已有一堂课程经确定。(当讲师确定第一堂课程预约后,系统将自动發送课程包剩馀课程的优惠券供之后预约使用。)


• 若欲取消单堂课程包课程而非整个课程包,请至该课程预约详细页面取消。取消费依讲师的一般课程取消政策而定,但「收取 50% 课程费用为取消费」将不适用。课程包优惠券仅可能返还或抵用。


  • 随时可以取消。


  • 课程时间前 1 小时內→ 收取 100% 课程费用为取消费。
  • 课程时间前 12~1 小时→ 收取 50% 课程费用为取消费。
  • 缺席→ 收取 100% 课程费用为取消费。


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