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LISTENING 聞く - 英語聴解練習 English Listening comprehension
Work on your listening comprehension with me and improve your listening, understanding and speaking skills!
Detalles de la lección
Why Listening Comprehension?
Listening. Input. That is the first and crucial step to learning a language. Babies are not born talking, they are not born reading or writing, but they ARE listening. The more you listen, the better you can understand and speak!
What to Listen to?
I will prepare stories, books and articles from various sources.
무엇을 듣나요?
다양한 이야기와 책, 글 등을 준비하겠습니다.
Lesson Outline:
-I will read short sections of stories, books or articles according to your proficiency.
-I will ask you comprehension questions to see how much you understood and real life questions to challenge you to use the language function and go a step further.
Listening. Input. That is the first and crucial step to learning a language. Babies are not born talking, they are not born reading or writing, but they ARE listening. The more you listen, the better you can understand and speak!
왜 "듣고 이해하기"죠?
듣기. 듣기 능력은 언어를 배우는 첫 번째이자 아주 중요한 단계입니다. 아기들은 태어나면서 부터 말을 하지 않고, 읽거나 쓰지 않지만, 태어나기 전부터 듣고 있습니다. 더 많이 들을수록 더 많이 이해하고 말할 수 있는 것입니다!
What to Listen to?
I will prepare stories, books and articles from various sources.
무엇을 듣나요?
다양한 이야기와 책, 글 등을 준비하겠습니다.
Lesson Outline:
-I will read short sections of stories, books or articles according to your proficiency.
-I will ask you comprehension questions to see how much you understood and real life questions to challenge you to use the language function and go a step further.
- 学者の方の能力に合った話や、本、文などを読んでいたします。
- 中間に中間に理解を確認する質問して、どこまで理解できているかを確認し、実生活の質問を介してさらに一歩進んで完全な文章で英語ができるようにします。
레슨 개요 :
-학생분의 능력에 맞는 이야기나, 책, 글 등을 읽어 드립니다.
-중간 중간 이해력 질문을 통해 얼마나 이해했는지 확인하고 실생활 질문을 통해 한 걸음 더 나아가 완전한 문장으로 영어를 할 수 있도록 돕겠습니다.
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- Menos de 24 horas antes del inicio de la clase→ Pueden aplicarse cargos por cancelación.
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