Daily News

Tiene clase de prueba
If you want to learn new words/expressions,if you want to read an article and answering questions related with that article,and after that have an open discussion and give opinion on the questions related with the article, you are at the right place.

Detalles de la lección

Basically Daily News is one of the most interesting lessons which offers you chance to learn english through 4 different activities.

1.Get in touch with new words and expressions
2.Read article related on what kind of title you are going to select
3.Questions and answers about the article
4.Open Discussion and sharing own ideas and opinions about questions related with the article.

After you request the lesson all you have to do is to choose which topic you have interest for.

Política de cancelación del(de la) tutor/a

Antes de que la solicitud haya sido confirmada.

  • Es posible hacerlo en cualquier momento.

Luego de que la solicitud de clase haya sido confirmada

  • Menos de 1 horas antes de que la clase de comienzo→ Se perderá el 50% del importe de la clase
  • Menos de 1-6 horas antes de que la clase de comienzo→ Se perderá el 50% del importe de la clase
  • No-Show→ Se perderá el 50% del importe de la clase

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