テーマ不問♪日本語でもイタリア語でも♪ イタリア語歴36年、プロの伊語通訳30年目のARI T.があなたのお話を受け止めます♬?♫ イタリア旅行、ファッション、料理にはじまり「一度訊いてみたかった!」通訳裏事情などなんでもござれ♪他言語学習者さんの学習のお悩みや、海外ドラマ、投資の話、DIY、ガーデニング、人生の目標設定方法など、最近話題の幅が無限大。 【2回目以降のイタリア語学習相談はこちらで】【イタリア語での会話練習にも解放しました♪】 どなた様も大歓迎♪ 音声のみOKです♪
This is an orientation session for new students! We’ll check your English level, discuss your goals, and find the perfect lesson plan for you!
this lesson is for beginners using "いろどり"textbook 【pack lesson】
You can learn Busan dialect or Satoori in this class
目指せ合格!DELF Primでフランス語力をアップ!
For people who have gone to Thailand for travel or business and thought “This is what I want to say! But how should I say it!?!?” Let’s conquer that confusion in this practical conversation lesson.
You can order a customized lesson. Please let me know your needs and wants beforehand.
A short course to improve your grammar and give you more confidence.
Just like speaking in a coffee shop to a friend.
Learn some challenging grammar topics from news articles, editorials, columns and magazine articles.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Learn with Professor Ashish
Emanuel T
Kanae tarot
Andrew Teacher
Candice Nina
sayaka HK
Haggy Yoga