Hone your spoken English, boost your fluency, and enrich your vocabulary!
Hone your spoken English, boost your fluency, and enrich your vocabulary!
Writing, reading, listening, speaking
マンツーマンレッスンならではの、丁寧な発音指導、実践的で十分な会話練習・応用トレーニングで、単なるテキスト文法をなぞるドリル中心の授業では得られない真の実力を! 初心者の方、しっかり基礎固めをして、実際に使える韓国語を身につけましょう! 発音、文法、単語、表現まで、迷子にならないようにしっかりサポートします。中級以上の方、さらに使える韓国語を目指して、着実にステップアップしましょう。楽しい韓国語の世界が待っています!
Let's talk about anything in English for 30 minutes!
Practice your conversation skills with Dr. Greg
Let’s study Korean while reading the news in Korean!
Six lessons for the price of five! One free class! This is a 15-minute lesson for busy people. Let's talk and practice your English!
Randomized short conversation topics for spontaneous thinking and vocab recollection.
Let’s talk a lot in Japanese! If you keep practicing conversations, you will be able to speak more fluently. (This is a pack of 5 lessons.)
This lesson is for like N1, N2 advanced speaker. My former job was international flight attendant, I had been flying all over the world, that’s why I’m really love to find hot spot and popular restaurant, and also love to see and hear the news coming
If you want to study intermediate grammar, please take this lesson !! It is also recommended for those who want to take JLPT.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Kei Schönberg
Steve Hill
Mieno Nao
May Lee
Angie S
Kayla T