Nicholas W. 강사 공지사항

You have a new coupon! - 100th Lesson Milestone Coupon!

2021년 4월 17일

Coupon Name: 100th Lesson Milestone Coupon!
Code: ef6cd1ba
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Apr 21, 2021 ~ May 21, 2021
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)


I hope you are having a wonderful Spring so far!

Thank you for taking my lessons in the past! I really appreciate you being part of my journey as a Tutor on CafeTalk!

I have recently passed the 100 lesson milstone and I would like to celebrate by offering a 15% discount to all the students who have helped me get this far in my CafeTalk career.

Thank you for reading this message. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you again in a lesson soon!

All the best,


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