General Notices from Tutor Serena

Focus On Success To Stay Motivated!

A student writes: "Often I feel discouraged that my Italian isn’t progressing faster, that I’m still unable to hold a sustained conversation, and that I still can’t speak the tones correctly.

For a beginner, the road ahead is long and fraught with constant failure. Successes are rare gems that sometimes seem like accidents.

When I’ve had a rough day and I’m feeling discouraged, it’s helpful to review all the things I have learned, and focus on my success.

So that’s what I’m doing. Flipping through my little notebook and finding places where I once stumbled, I am reminded that I am on the learning journey. The journey can seem like it’s moving at a snail’s pace. But it is moving forward, and I am learning.

Reviewing my progress helps me stay motivated".

What do you do to stay motivated when you feel your goals are out of reach?

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