Suja 강사 공지사항

English Speaking and Writing Week 2 coupons expiring 16th July

2022년 7월 13일

 Dear Students, Kindly note the following speaking and writing coupons which will expire at the end of this week, following which, Week 3's coupons on Grammar will begin. Look out for Week 3's notice next week.
Warm regards, Suja
Coupon Name: Week 2 July Speaking ; Writing Coupon 1
Code: 4cee8d49
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: (80-minutes)English Speaking Practice
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jul 10, 2022 ~ Jul 17, 2022
(GMT+10:00 Melbourne)

Coupon Name: Week 2 July Speaking ; Writing Coupon 2
Code: ee30ee29
Discount Rate: 5%
For Lesson: 1-to-1 Diary Discussion and Review
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jul 10, 2022 ~ Jul 17, 2022
(GMT+10:00 Melbourne)

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