Pilar Barrera 강사 공지사항

I'm moving from Brazil to Panama, but I'll be back!

2023년 2월 10일

Dear Students,
I am moving from Brazil to Panama at the end of February. That's why you may notice that my schedule is limited these days. However, on the second week of March I'll be back with book, stories, poetry and more! Thank you for your patience!


2月末にブラジルからパナマに引っ越します。 そのため、最近は私のスケジュールが限られていることに気付くかもしれません。 しかし、3 月の第 2 週には、本、物語、詩などを持って戻ってきます! ありがとうございます!
부담없이 질문해 주세요!