Joy Yuan 강사 공지사항

Hello friends, I'm back! 朋友们,我回来了!

2024년 1월 12일

Dear friends, 

It's been almost 3 years since I took a break from CafeTalk, but I hope you've been well! How's your 2024 so far?

I had to leave CafeTalk for a while back in 2021 because my teaching job got too busy. But now I left that job since I'm preparing to move to Japan, so I'm finally back!

In the past couple of years, I've gathered a lot of experience from teaching exam preparation classes and marking hundreds of essays. If you need some support to reach your language goals, feel free to chat with me.

Here's a coupon code for friends who want to catch up and discuss your 2024 language goals with me. I hope that 2024 will be the year you can realise your goals! Stay safe and healthy!





我离开 CafeTalk 已经快三年了,希望你一切都好! 2024 年的前两周,你过得怎么样?


2021 年时,我不得不暂时离开 CafeTalk ,因为我的教学工作变得太忙了。 但现在我已经辞掉了那份工作,因为我准备移居日本,所以我终于有时间回到CafeTalk来了!


在过去的几年里,我通过教授考试准备课程和批改数百篇论文积累了更多的教学经验。 如果你想要获取你的语言学习目标,我愿意协助你,请随时与我联络哦!


这里有一个优惠券代码,供朋友们使用。 我希望 2024 年是你能够实现梦想成真的一年!






Coupon Name: Long time no see! 好久不见!お久しぶりです!
Code: 4e887947
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 12, 2024 ~ Feb 12, 2024
(GMT+08:00 Singapore)

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