General Notices from Tutor Cindy Colijn


Jan 8, 2017

What is February REVOLUTION?
--> Brand new Lesson plans and Teaching Method for All lessons! 
--> Very Well Prepared! and More structured! 
--> Richer Content! 
--> Best Value Guaranteed! 

When is February REVOLUTION started? 
1st of FEBRUARY, 2017! -->Why? It because I want to take time to organize the whole new projects as perfect as it can be. And Hopefully, I will release this new fresh way of teaching [February REVOLUTION★] in the 1st of FEBRUARY!

A little bit about February REVOLUTION 
--> Lessons offered:
    1. Placement Test or English Level Check 
NEW Students have to inform their age in the comment box before the test started
       The students will be given some fun English exercises and conversation over Skype

    2. Orientation PDF Module (OPM)! *FREE*
Orientation PDF Module (OPM) is the entire lesson plan! 

       There are 5 types of Orientation PDF Modules (OPM)! as follows:
        * One-time OPM (Only for regular one-time lesson)
        * 1 month OPM (For Students who purchased lesson pack)

        * 3 months OPM 
(For Students who purchased lesson pack)
        * 6 months OPM 
(For Students who purchased lesson pack)
        * 12 months/1 Year OPM 
(For Students who purchased lesson pack)
    3. English Club for Kids (ECK)
 Eligible Ages and Levels: 
Kindergarten (4 ~ 5 years old)
        1st Grade (6 y.o)
        2nd Grade (7 y.o)
        3rd Grade (8 y.o)
        4th Grade (9 y.o)
        5th Grade (10 y.o)
        6th Grade (11 y.o)
    4. English Club for Teens (ECT)
Eligible Ages and Levels: 
1st Grade (12 y.o)
        2nd Grade (13 y.o)
        3rd Grade (14 y.o)
        4th Grade (15 y.o)
        5th Grade (16 y.o)
        6th Grade (17 y.o)

    5. English Club for Adults (ECA)
Eligible Ages and Levels: 
All ages above 17 years old of all English levels are welcome!
    6. Science and Social Studies (SciSoc)
Eligible Ages and Levels:
        1st Grade (6 y.o)
        2nd Grade (7 y.o)
        3rd Grade (8 y.o)
        4th Grade (9 y.o)
        5th Grade (10 y.o)
        6th Grade (11 y.o)
     7. Fast-Track Program (FTP)
 The students who are fast learners will be eligible to enroll the Fast-Track Program.
        The students may choose any lessons they want to study.      
     8. Indonesian Language Club (ILC)
        Eligible Ages and Levels: 

All ages and all levels are welcome!

Started on the 1st of February, Here are the steps that NEW students are recommended to follow:
 2. Waiting for the RESULT within 24H ~ 48H
 3. Request Your First Lesson based on your result/level!
  4. Request your OPM! *FREE*
Note: Current students do not need to take the Placement test. You will be adjusted to this new lesson plan. 


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